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Using minerals to improve one’s well-being is not so recent. Lithotherapy has been used for a long time throughout history. The belief in healing effect of stones would go back to Prehistoric Times when people believed minerals could increase their power, their fertility and protect them as well.
But three thousand years B.C. the symbolism of stones was mainly organized by the Egyptians. Their colours and their application to particular zones on the body have gained in meaning and precision.
In the Middle Ages they were used daily in China, in India but also in France.
Today lithotherapy is integrated among energetic therapies. It arouses increasing interest mingled with skepticism and cynicism.

How can inert objects impact some effect? 
Crystals in our cells
Minerals existed at the origin of the Universe. Crystals are one of the ancient matters of the Earth. Our bodies carry traces of all our history including that of the universe. That explains the presence of mineral salts but also the presence of small crystals in the nucleus of our cells and in our brain.
An external stone might have an impact on the deep memory of our cells with which they would get into soothing resonance. Consequently its contact would do us good. That contact may be physical (gemstones or minerals may be worn built in jewelry or kept in our pocket or held  in our hands) but psychic too (they may be used as a support for meditation or set out so as  to form a mandala, some specific way to put them in a room).
But if stones may find in us an echo propitious to relaxation can they be considered as a healing technique?
During lithotherapy procedures the body receives the vibrations that the stones emit due to 
their  internal structure and the memory of their atoms.

When you wear some gemstone, the energy of your body brings the stone to some state of vibration. The blood flow itself carries molecules of the universe. Those who are akin to the ones of the stone are going to regenerate by induction, as an effect of the magnetic field of the stone in close proximity. That mother stone reactivates molecules which are compatible with its own ones.

All  gemstones  vibrate  to a certain  frequency,  therefore each one can address a certain kind of blockage. Moreover the gems adjust their energy flows according to everyone's needs.
Indeed, although gemstones can help the healing process, remedies have proven useful to some people and useless to others. One  should  realize  that every person may react in a different manner to a given stone.

It happens that some stones are inclined to reduce your energy.  You should then avoid wearing them. Indeed, what is suited to the one is not necessarily suited to the other.
With a pendulum it is not only possible to check the degree of energy of anyone but also of anything: stones, carrots, potatoes…  Let’s  test  the energy of two carrots which are alike on the surface! The first one may be endowed with more or less energy than the second one and so is it for anyone and as a matter of fact for stones.

It even happens that some stones are inclined to reduce your energy.  You should then avoid wearing them. Indeed, what is suited to the one is not necessarily suited to the other.
With a pendulum it is not only possible to check the degree of energy of anyone but also of anything: stones, carrots, potatoes…  Let’s  test the energy of two carrots which are alike on the surface! The first one may be endowed with more or less energy than the second one and so is it for anyone and as a matter of fact for stones.

That is the reason why they must be used properly.   A good guide might be of great help.

Quantum Physics has shown it. It appears that 99% of that matter that appears solid to us is actually made of empty space filled with energy. Then that energy is enlivened by vibrations the frequencies of which vary according to the objects.
For instance, crystals are one of the most ancient matters of the Earth. Their structure and inner fabric one of the most well organized and harmonious of nature. They carry the wisdom of millions years inside. They have been used successfully for medical purposes since immemorial time.

The therapist Galva Ortéga who uses lithotherapy as a support for massaging says « Lithotherapy attempts to catch the specific power of stones to improve the vitality of an organ either by giving some energy to it or by regulating energy that might be in excess in it”.

The Swiss biophysicist Walter Stark thinks alike. According to him the electromagnetic vibrations emitted by precious gems might be analogous to those of the human body cells. That might explain their healing power by regenerating the balance of the assumed energetic dissonance.
Whereas the acupuncturist works with a very simple instrument, a needle, on a very complex system, the lithotherapist uses very complex tools, a multitude of stones) on a simplified energetic system.
This one amounts to the seven main chakras (energy circle centres in Indian medecine) and sometimes to some meridians. Lithotherapy which uses stones in multiple ways can be considered as the little sister of acupuncture but also of chromotherapy which treats by the vibrations (light) emitted by colours, and of magnetotherapy which uses the magnets energy.

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